Qualified volunteers
With skill with electric soldering iron
Bilingue Thai e Inglese
Bilingual Thai and English speaker who also speaks Italian. Compensation possible.
Any candidate
Any volunteer candidate who believes they have projects to boost the village's economy is welcome to present their project and the conditions they propose.
What we give
A bed in the dormitory or a hut if available
Sheets, blankets, pillows, Mosquito net
Highspeed wifi and electricity
Three meals per day*

Participatory Permaculture
Participation in community life by applying permaculture as a way of life.
3 months
People who want to apply Permaculture as a way of life with us, along with volunteers who are committed.
The goal is a shift toward sustainability.
Opposed to compulsive consumerism, we strive to improve together with you.
The candidate who wishes to join the village as a future member or as a committed supporting volunteer is welcome.
6 months
Those who choose this option have the opportunity to start an economy in synergy with the village and share with us not only the experience but also any potential profits.
Opportunity for those who want to create an economy to live here.
We have recently opened a shop to sell our homemade products and are looking for a manager to share responsibilities and profits with us
What we give
Private hut
Sheets, blankets, pillows, Mosquito net
Highspeed wifi and electricity
Food three times a day – Coffee or tea – Refreshments during the day included.
Full access to training and facilities
Free laundry
Free laundry

“Participatory Permaculture” (duties not rights)
Permaculture is a complex art, not suitable for those seeking the simple life behind a low budget credit card or those seeking free days to go and spend consumerism on the weekend, this worldly style is not suitable for those who follow the trail of tourism. Hours and hours of observation, planning, comparisons, maintenance of the ordinary life of the house and the village. Treat our economic support with dignity.
For those who have the courage to:
- nurturing the sense of the divine in you (that inner voice that says, “There is something more to life”)
- exploring spiritual values and community life, to develop a magical vision of existence
- building relationships with like-minded people
- feeling within themselves the sense of “being called” towards something more
- desiring to participate, contribute and share their talents and energies towards something greater
- open to transformation and growth
- believe in the possibility of building a better world together with others
- take responsibility and create opportunities for others
- I am not afraid to expand personal boundaries and my comfort zone
- I am trying to find or improve the level of personal fulfillment and find a clear mission in life
- I am interested in alternative esoteric/spiritual worldviews
What we ask:
- 3 months 24.000 THB (about 705$) per person, 32.000 THB (about 940$) per couple
- 6 months 42.000 THB (about 1.230$) per person, 60.000 THB (about 1.730$) per couple
Extra adult 6 y. Up 200 THB (about 6$) – Child up to 5 y. 150 THB (about 4$)
*Our chef is Thai, so much of our food is what he would prepare for his family. Vegan/vegetarian options are available and we use mostly organic produce from our own garden or local sources. Please let us know upon arrival if you have any special dietary requirements.
*Be aware that we are in a remote area, so it will be an adventure to get here but really pleasant if you are searching for a local immersion. Don’t worry, we can help you with any directions.
Thailand is a destination known for it and as a permaculture project, we depend on and respect that nature keeps its own life cycle. 🙂
We kindly ask those who go to the market daily not to be intrusive with snacks and sweeteners. If you wish to be kind to our guests, please refrain from offering food, medication, sugar, or processed foods, and do not bring plastic into this precious forest. We are not fanatics, but we strive for ethics as permaculture teaches us. This is our mission.